Fort Novosel angels carry a heavy load this Christmas

Brittany Trumbull | Fort Novosel Public Affairs Office | Dec. 14, 2023sharethis sharing button

FORT NOVOSEL, Ala. — Angel trees are a long-standing tradition across military bases worldwide, a way for service members and their Families to both give and receive during the holidays. The angels across Fort Novosel came out with unbelievable magnitude this year, said Maj. Scott Kennis, chaplain and coordinator of the Angel Tree project.

“You wouldn’t believe how fast the service members and organizations showed up to grab these angels, ” Kennis said. “Within a week every angel was taken.”

The project coordinators from Army Community Service — including Fort Novosel’s Jo Close, Army Emergency Relief officer — and the Fort Novosel Religious Support Office wanted to extend their deep gratitude to every organization, unit and individual that blessed kids and Families across Fort Novosel this Christmas season.
